2025 2BS FEES

2BS provides a price list for users of the scheme and partner certification bodies.
Please note that the costs of the certification audit are not included in the fee amounts detailed below and should be discussed directly with the certification body.

Applies from 01/01/2025

2BSvs fee – Biofuels

First Gathering Point (FGP) / Collecting Point (CP) 950 €/year
Processing Unit* 530 € up to 2 500 sustainable tons/year
1 000 € between 2 501 & 10 000 sustainable tons/year
3 060 € between 10 001 & 100 000 sustainable tons/year
5 600 € more than 100 000 sustainable tons/year
International traders/Biomass or biofuel exporters 3 800 €/year
* For processing unit, belonging to one of the four volume categories will be based for the 1st year on a self-estimate of the sustainable volumes produced. The certification bodies will have to verify the 2nd year. 2BS reserves the right to rectify the amount of the fee according to the volumes actually produced and checked during the audit

2BSvs fee - Biogas

Biogas/Biomethane plant 950 €/year

2BSvs fee - Biomass Boiler

Biomass Boiler 950 €/year

2BSvs fee – Waste & Residues - Cement Plant

First Gathering Point (FGP) / Collecting Point (CP)/ Cement plant 950 €/year
Holding * 1000€ up to 10 000 incoming tons/year
3 060 € between 10 001 & 100 000 incoming tons/year
5 600 € more than 100 000 incoming tons/year
International traders/Biomass or biofuel exporters 3 800 €/year
* For holding companies, membership of one of the four volume categories will be based for the 1st year on a self-assessment of incoming volumes. The certification bodies will have to verify the 2nd year. 2BS reserves the right to adjust the amount of the fee according to the volumes actually produced and checked during the audit.

2BSXtra Fee - Food Feed

2BSXtra Stand alone - First Gathering Point (FGP) / Collecting Point (CP) 950 €/year
2BSXtra Stand alone - Processing Unit* 530 € up to 2 500 sustainable tons/year
1 000 € between 2 501 & 10 000 sustainable tons/year
3 060 € between 10 001 & 100 000 sustainable tons/year
5 600 € more than 100 000 sustainable tons/year
2BSXtra Stand alone - International traders/Biomass or biofuel exporters 3800 €/year
2BSXtra Add-on - First Gathering Point (FGP) / Collecting Point (CP) 530 €/year
2BSXtra Add-on - Processing Unit 630 €/year
2BSXtra Add-on - International traders/Biomass or biofuel exporters 630 €/year
* For processing unit, belonging to one of the four volume categories will be based for the 1st year on a self-estimate of the sustainable volumes produced. Certification bodies shall verify the 2nd year.


SAI equivalent Silver Europe 150 €/year